How to comment using html comment tag

Html which means hyper text Mark up language can be use in comment. It helps person to comment your code which allows user to leave reminders and explanations for yourself and any other coder that will be working on the page. 
  Commenting is necessary,  Commenting can also be used to quickly or easily disable/removes parts of your code when you're testing or working on a new feature that isn't ready yet. 
How to insert a single line.
Comments are meant or assigned by the tags <!-- and -->. You can insert quick comments to remind you what is happening with the code.

<html> <head> <title>Comment test</title> </head> <body> <!-- This code makes a paragraph --> <p>This is the website(insert website in the description) </p> </body> </html>
take note that there are no spaces in the comment tags. For example< !-- will not allows the comment function. Inside the tags, you can have as many spaces as you'd like.
The coding can be use in comment on some one webs or blogs.
